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Atlanta Men's Counseling & Coaching Center

Atlanta Men's Counseling & Life Coaching

"Guy Talk that Men Understand" 


We understand that most men just don't fit the traditional models of therapy. Most men just want a sounding board to figure out how to solve their problems and improve their life skills in order to successfully navigate relationships, careers, addictions, and life's challenges. 


Often guys need a unique set of circumstances to bring themselves to finally seek out help and find direction. We work with men of all ages and from all walks of life seeking to achieve healthier minds, improve their relationships, resolve anger issues, heal emotional wounds, overcome addictions, and live happier lives.


We provide you with personalized, straight-talking, guy-friendly therapy that is interactive and targeted to address men's problems, understand underlying causes, find solutions. and achieve self-mastery.  


If you are a man struggling with a mental health condition, addiction, or relationship problem, why wait? Call us and begin reclaiming your life and relationships today. To set up a counseling appointment call: 678-456-5887

Men often say that they are seeking:

  • Objective Feedback

  • Coaching

  • A sounding board

  • A safe place to talk things out

  • Guidance

  • Information & Knowledge

  • Deeper Insights

  • Accountability Partner

  • To have Thoughts/Behaviors Challenged

~ Daniel P. David, Ph.D., LCSW

Men's Issues Therapist


"Most men just don't fit traditional models of therapy.  Guys typically want an objective person as a sounding board to share their problems, thoughts or feelings and to receive constructive feedback.

That's why I practice more guy-friendly approaches to counseling, therapy, and life coaching.  I work with men of all ages and walks of life who are seeking to find resolutions to their problems and to learn the art of self-mastery in order to achieve positive changes that lead to improved relationships, successful careers, and happier lives!"


Benefits of Counseling Therapy for Men like You!


  • Understand yourself better

  • Heal emotional wounds

  • Achieve deeper peace of mind

  • Develop mastery over your thoughts and behaviors

  • Overcome fears, anxiety, low self-confidence, etc. 

  • Improve your relationship patterns

  • Prevent self-sabotaging behaviors

  • Improve your depression

  • Discover your identity as a man

  • Re-invent yourself

  • Enhance your personal resilience



Why Wait? 

Call us today 
to set up a counseling therapy appointment

and get started on improving your life: 


Atlanta Men's Counseling,

Therapy, & Coaching

Get Help Now!


Call: 678-456-2911 


Speak with Melissa to set up your initial free 15-minute consultation

with men's therapist, 

Daniel P. David, Ph.D.


When you're a man struggling with 

life-controlling problems, 

it's important to get the help 

that you need!


We can help, but you 

have to make that first call!

Zoom Session Available!

As working remotely has become the new norm, Men report that it's easier to take time out from their busy workday to have their  therapy or coaching session via Zoom, and then go back to work without spending the extra hours in hectic Atlanta traffic. 

Dr. David is conducting Zoom sessions until further notice. We want to make sure that your health is protected. 

There is evidence that Tele-Mental Health Zoom sessions are not only convenient for working individuals, but also very effective for meeting individuals' therapeutic and coaching needs.  Here are some research articles for your information:


Men's Issues

Men's Issues: Self-Assessment:

"Uniquely designed for guys"

Click on the PDF, download on your desktop, and print.


* Disclaimer: This self-assessment is not a diagnostic tool. Therefore, you should always follow the guidance of your primary care physician or clinician. This information is for educational purposes only.  Click on the PDF file and download on your desktop, print out, and fill it out in a private, confidential setting. 

Therapist Dr. Daniel P. David, Ph.D. works in collaboration with several psychiatrists in Atlanta including psychiatrists at Atlanta Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Associates, which provides the following premiere treatments for complex psychiatric and mental health conditions:


  • Patient-centered Psychiatric Treatments 

  • Psychopharmacology 

  • Outpatient Hospital Treatment for Mental Health

  • Inpatient Referrals to Peachford Hospital

Of Myths & Men Podcast

Join Dr. David and Therapist Jon A. Parker, LPC for our Podcast Discussions about Men's Issues.

Men's Life Academy
Coming July 2024


Experience online educational and coaching lessons designed to help men of all ages and backgrounds achieve their personal best. 

Timothy Wenger is the founder of the Man Effect. Timothy has a heart for men's issues.  He's interviewed dozens of men who are concerned about the well-being of men, boys, and the women that love them. I recommend that you click on the page above and read his articles and view his videos. 

Get Help Now! 
Call or Email us Today!

Men's Life Institute 

Educational Videos and Materials

Interviews from the Dad to Dads Podcast

Boys to Manhood, Masculinity, & Male Psychology


"Sit back and buckle up - this interview with Men’s Mental Health Expert, Dr Daniel David. A no holds barred interview as we dive into a variety of subjects. Masculinity and how it’s being destroyed by both academia as well as modern psychology. What is toxic masculinity – you’ll love to hear Dr David’s reaction.  Boys rebelling from their mother and why that’s healthy. What kids need from their mother and father. How family court is so unfair to fathers as it relates to custody. Parent alienation. Toxic moms. Thoughts on Andrew Tate and why he has amassed such a following." Dad-to-Dads Podcast.

What can one parent do when the other parent is a narcissist. 
Mother-Son Enmeshment and How it Impacts Men of All Ages and Contributes to Their Dating & Marriage Relationship Problems. 

Interview from Dad to Dads Podcast. How Mother-Son Enmeshment not only harms boys, it also has a huge impact on how boys grow up to become men with serious relationship issues with women that often lead to self-sabotaging dating and marriage relationships. 

Podcast Disclaimer "As with any discussion concerning men's mental health, masculinity, and men's issues within the social environment, it is important to acknowledge that these discussions do not reflect anti-women sentiments. I personally believe that any parent who raises a boy and girl would not put down their son in order to raise their daughter. As a good parent would raise both a son and a daughter equally, society has a responsibility to help both men and women and not to displace or disadvantage men over women. I believe that it is important to advocate for women's rights while still advocating for helping men and improving men's mental health. Most topics I discussed have been vetted through consulting with female colleagues, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, lawyers, and female therapists who understand the big picture issues for both men and women in society and mental health. My views and opinions are intended to spotlight the ailments of society and the issues of boys and men and are not intended for clinical diagnosis and do not constitute therapeutic advice. Please consult your healthcare provider about treatment options that are available." ~ Dr Daniel P David

The title of this video is: Men, Boys and Assertiveness


Dr. Daniel David discusses the importance of children, especially boys, learning how to be more assertive and how he teaches assertiveness in his practice, it starts with identity. Episode 16 on the Dad to Dads Podcast

If you're in your 20's, we have a website for you! Just click on the link below:

We offer psychotherapy and life coaching services specifically tailored to young men in their 20's. Our experienced and compassionate team can help with mental health issues, as well as provide support for conflict resolution. Our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming space to help young men in their 20's navigate their mental health and life challenges.

(Disclaimer: All electronic communications are not guaranteed to be HIPPA compliant and/or secure and/or private. Individuals calling APPA or emailing the APPA front desk  assume full awareness and responsibility for their confidentiality and privacy. APPA staff are not responsible for your confidentiality and privacy from where you are calling us. Please ensure that you call from a securely private place when calling APPA about your mental health concerns.)


Atlanta, Men's Issues, Men's Counseling, Counseling for Men, Atlanta Men Counseling, Atlanta Men Therapy, Therapy for Men, Atlanta Men Recovery, Atlanta Men Depression, Atlanta Men Anxiety Treatment, Atlanta Adult Men, Men Relationship Counseling, Men Atlanta Anger, Men Anger management, Jordan Peterson, Men's Help Atlanta, Atlanta counseling men, Atlanta Anger Management, 20-something young men Atlanta counseling, Young Men Atlanta Counseling, College young men counseling, college counseling

Men's Health at Atlanta Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Associates

2150 Peachford Road, Suite A Atlanta, GA 30338 US

Phone: 7706740553 Website:

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